Sheheen Institute welcomes 18th class at FMU

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Sheheen Institute welcomes 18th class at FMU

FLORENCE, S.C. — Twenty-eight leaders from South Carolinian non-profit organizations are participating in Francis Marion University’s 18th annual Fred R. Sheheen Non-Profit Leadership Institute.

The seven month-long program equips non-profits personnel with leadership and business tools through a series of monthly seminars. The seminars typically last most of a day.

Experts from public, private and non-profit sectors lead the sessions. Session topics include program development, human resources, financial resource management, data collection and managing external relations.

The institute began with initial grant support from the Drs. Bruce and Lee Foundation of Florence. FMU President Dr. Fred Carter and Fred Sheheen, former South Carolina Commissioner of Higher Education, were instrumental in founding the NPLI.

NPLI was created to meet a stated need by local non-profits as those organizations often struggle to find meaningful, appropriate training for key personnel.

The institute was renamed in Sheheen’s honor in 2018.

FMU supports NPLI by funding and hosting the institute.

Members of the 2019-20 NPLI class include: Amber Stewart of the S.C. Association for Community Economic Development (SCACED), Angel Farmer of Behavioral Health Services of Pickens County, Brock Sansbury of The Courage Center, Charmian Hedrick of Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA), Danielle Rhodes of Tenacious Grace, Gabriela Soto of Helping Hands, Inc., Jane Lauve of People Against Rape, Jessica Burton of PalmettoPride, Jessie Cain of Children’s Trust of South Carolina, Julie Trott of Habitat for Humanity of Kershaw County, Kathryn Blomquist of Going Places, Laura Gassler of Habitat for Humanity of Georgetown County S.C. Inc., Lauren Szymonik of Children’s Trust of South Carolina, Lester Pittman of Southern Clemente Community Alliance, Linda Wright of Agape Global Inc. and DBA Agape Global Empowerment Center, Nicole Morris of The Care House of the Pee Dee, Rachel Howell of the Florence Regional Arts Alliance, Ron Roberts of the FDTC Foundation, Shandala Irick of Sea Haven, Inc., Sharon Brown of the Lake City Creative Alliance, Shirley Gregg of Marion-Dillon DSN Board, Sonia Donnelly of the Palmetto Project, Terrie Gaskins-Bryant of Saint Teresa Community Outreach and Empowerment, Todd Buehrig of the National Safety Council, Trimease King of Eat Smart Move More South Carolina (ESMMSC), Venolia Jordan of Kings Court, Adrienne Bellinger of The Courage Center, and Dr. Joe Aniello of Francis Marion University.
